With 1100 Millecento Done, Pininfarina Sets Up Shop in Miami

Apr 21, 2015 1104

The Italian automobile design firm, Pininfarina, established in 1930 and famous for creating iconic designs for companies like Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Ferrari, and Maserati (you might have heard of them) has recently expanded its repertoire of to skyscrapers, and is setting up shop with a new office in Miami to design them.

Their first ever high-rise was built right here in Miami, Brickell's recently completed 1100 Millecento. As the New York Times points out, "The color of the walls, floors and ceilings is a dead giveaway" of Pininfarina's aesthetic: red, glossy, and sleek (think Ferrari turned condominium).

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Source: http://miami.curbed.com/

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