Enel Green Power begins construction of 300MW onshore wind farm in Oklahoma

Apr 13, 2022 724

BY: Tom Azzopardi

Enel Green Power has begun construction of the 300MW Seven Cowboy wind farm in Oklahoma. Consisting of 107 of GE Renewable Energy’s 2.82MW turbines, the project is due to begin operating by the end of 2022. Enel said that the wind farm would generate 1.3TWh of energy annually, enough to supply 120,000 households and avoid the emission of 758,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year.

The project will be the Italian group’s 13th wind farm in Oklahoma where the company’s investment portfolio has now reached $3 billion. With 2GW of wind capacity, Enel is now the second largest wind operator in the midwestern state.

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SOURCE: https://www.windpowermonthly.com/

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