Ellwood City Italian-American Heritage Foundation meets

Jul 24, 2019 1220

The Ellwood City Italian-American Heritage Foundation met at the Wolverine Restaurant on June 28. Barb Mastropietro, president, conducted the meeting. Reports were given by Linda Heusing, secretary, and Sandy Douglas, treasurer. Mastropietro introduced three new members: Raymond Venezie, Dom Vicarri and Norma Zingaro. The foundation is now a member of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society thanks to a generous donation from one of its members.

Mastropietro then discussed details for completing heritage worksheets that were distributed to all members. The worksheets will be submitted to the Ellwood City Area Public Library and complied into a book that will be retained there. Before adjourning, a lengthy discussion was held on future projects.

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SOURCE: https://www.ellwoodcityledger.com

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