When: Doors open at 6:30pm and close at 6:55pmWhere: Embassy of Italy - Auditorium, 3000 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008   In 2014 the Istituto Luce turned 90, its decades-long history intertwined with that of Italy itself, through cinema and the unique treasure of images stored in the Luce Archives. To celebrate its anniversary,...

Crescono del 50% le esportazioni dell'azienda negli Stati Uniti che vede così premiata la propria politica di segmentazione di mercato, iniziata tre anni fa. Il risultato è in linea con quanto emerso nel recente report di Intesa Sanpaolo sui distretti industriali veronesi. Monteforte, Verona – Boom di vendite per Cantina di Monteforte nel mercato s...

The New Republic has created a few chuckles and now a tiff with Jacqueline Mellow's satirical depiction of Governor Christie on top of a famous scene of Tony Soprano checking his mail in a bathrobe, with gold chain, in front of his gorgeous mansion.   Eddie Scarry, who runs a blogs site affiliated with Glen Beck called The Blade, asks Is thi...

Marc Cappelletti is a Philadelphia writer. A light snow is falling on the green awnings of Philadelphia's Ninth Street Market. It's a fleeting snow, melting almost as soon as it lands. Still, I marvel. It brings to mind the snow that fell in my grandfather's stories of his emigration from Italy to America, where he landed 85 years ago. &...

di Giosetta Capriati   Lo hanno definito "l'Indiana Jones delle leccornie" e dall'alto del suo metro e novantadue di altezza, con un sorriso da conquistatore, Antonio Maurizio Gaetani, 52 anni, discendente dalla nobile famiglia Gaetani di Sermoneta, ride all'idea di essere paragonato all'eroe di Hollywood, armato però solo di cucchiaio e f...

By Becky Krystal   To say the opening of the second Italian Store in Arlington was highly anticipated would be something of an understatement.   Interest in the Westover location was so intense, manager Mike Tramonte had to hire someone to wipe down the front window every day because of all the people pressed up against the glass look...

By Brady Smith Bocce is widely considered to be the one of the world's oldest sports. The origins of the game can be traced back to ancient Egypt, hieroglyphics on tomb walls depicted the Egyptians tossing rocks at a target. According to historians, the game evolved from using polished stones to throwing the rounded balls that are used in today's...

When: Saturday, March 12, 2016 - From 9:30 am To 4:00 pm Where: S. Dillon Ripley Center. 1100 Jefferson Dr SW, Metro: Smithsonian (Mall exit) Entrance : Ticket Purchase Required. More info here The history of Venice is rich with the names of great painters, from Bellini to Titian and Tiepolo to Canaletto. However, Venice is m...

by Missy Frederick   Casolare may be chef's Michael Schlow's second Italian restaurant in D.C., but don't expect a menu that's very similar to his new Alta Strada restaurant in Mt. Vernon Triangle. At Casolare, the coasts of Italy are the focus, which comes into play with the restaurant's light, seafood-influenced menu.   The space ha...

Due to my foot surgeries two years in a row, our family has been sidelined again this summer. We usually travel near the Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to my husband's hometown to participate in the Mount Carmel festival, sponsored by the Italian parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Altoona, Pennsylvania. We have attended so man...

Luxury Italian footwear and accessories brand Baldinini is staking a claim in the U.S. market. The company will be unveiling its first store in the States on Tuesday, in The Mall at Short Hills in Short Hills, N.J. The company has been selling its collection of men's and women's shoes and accessories in the U.S. for the past five years via its e-co...

Opera at Florham will present its next Musicale at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, in Lenfell Hall, the Mansion at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison.   The recital, "A Cornucopia of Opera & Song," presents professional vocalists from across the United States and abroad. The artists will perform a medley of Italian, Polish, and French oper...