Dante without Footnotes: Personal Reflections on the Divine Comedy

Sep 18, 2020 939

BY: The Board of PI-Philly

Thursday, September 24th 2020. 6:00 PM EDT. PI-Philly in partnership with the Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia, is excited to present the next online event. We invite you to join us for the talk "Dante without Footnotes - Personal Reflections on the Divine Comedy". THIS EVENT IS FREE BUT REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Register Now

In this presentation, Dr. Joseph Luzzi, Professor of Comparative Literature at Bard College and the author of In a Dark Wood: What Dante Taught Me About Grief, Healing, and the Mysteries of Love, will explore the fascinating realm of Dante’s epic poem in all its cultural and historical richness, as he considers Dante’s relation to his beloved hometown of Florence, his lacerating experience of exile, and his lifelong devotion to his muse Beatrice.

Above all, Professor Luzzi will show how and why readers throughout the world can access Dante “without footnotes” and discover the ways his timeless wisdom and insights can enhance our everyday lives. A Q/A session will follow. Please, send us your questions at info@piphilly.org 

Prof. Joseph Luzzi, PhD, Prof. of Comparative Literature at Bard College
Joseph Luzzi is an award-winning author, teacher, and scholar whose most recent books include My Two Italies and In a Dark Wood. His teaching interests range from Dante and comparative European literature to Renaissance Florence and Italian cinema. He is a frequent contributor to the New York Times, Chronicle of Higher Education, and Times Literary Supplement.

SOURCE: Pi-Philly: Professionisti Italiani a Philadelphia

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