Lido Civic Club Awards $60,000 in Scholarships, Honors Paola Scazzoli, and Donates $10,000 to Casa Italians Language School

Jun 24, 2019 1292

At a reception held at the Italian Embassy, the Lido Civic Club of Washington, DC, awarded $60,000 to local Italian-American college-bound and college students.  The recipients of the scholarships are: Nicole Fairbanks , Bridget Bagileo, Gaia Mieren, Chiara O’Neil, Chiara d’Andrea, Domenic Allegra, Cameron Benedetto, Nina Dorsett, Matthew Fairbanks, Angelo Tundo, Patrizia Manziano, and Domenico Toscano.

The scholarship amount was matched by the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF). The evening began with welcoming remarks by Francesco Isgro, the Lido Civic club Scholarship Awards Chairman. The Embassy of Italy’s First Counsellor Domenico Bellantone, Extended the greeting on behalf of Italian Ambassador  Armando Varricchio and welcomed the more than 115 guests to the Embassy’s Piazza Italia.

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