Wesleyan University: assistant professor (tenure track) in early modern

Aug 04, 2014 1566

Beginning July 1, 2015. Assistant professor (tenure-track) in Italian. Primary focus: medieval/early modern Italian studies (literature, culture and the visual arts). Historical, interdisciplinary and intercultural breadth essential.

The successful candidate will have a proven record of scholarship in medieval and/or early modern Italian Studies and be eager to teach a broad range of courses on Italian literature and cultural history prior to 1800.

We welcome applications particularly (but not exclusively) from scholars whose research focuses on one or a combination of the following fields: Dante and medieval cultural history; science, culture and society in early modern Italy; early modern Italian cultural studies focusing on Mediterranean and transnational Italy.

Candidates must be prepared to teach Italian language at all levels and a wide array of courses on Italian literature and cultural history before 1800. They will also be expected to participate fully in the rich interdepartmental culture of Wesleyan University and to strive to integrate the field across the disciplines, on and off campus.

Requirements: PhD in hand or very near completion; native or near-native fluency in Italian; demonstrated commitment to scholarship and evidence of excellence in undergraduate teaching. Typical teaching load: two seminars (1 in Italian, 1 in English) and two language courses per year. Assistance in coordinating the multi-sectional language program. Administrative support for Wesleyan¹s Program in Bologna and commitment to outreach vis-à-vis the local Italian American community.

Submit cover letter, CV, email addresses for 3 referees, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a 15-25 page writing sample in English or Italian, by midnight, September 30, to Chair, Italian Search Committee, by way of the following link, open as of August 1: http://careers.wesleyan.edu/postings/4411. Semi-finalists will be interviewed by Skype in the second half of October and finalists will be brought to campus in November, with the aim of concluding the search before the end of the fall semester.

Source: Nicoletta Marini-Maio

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