Eat First: Italian American Gastronomy and Family Values in the Films of Martin Scorsese

Mar 31, 2017 1090

April 6 (Thursday)   5:30 pm. Richard Nasti Lecture Series Event. Presentation by Professor Chiara De Santi, State University of New York at Fredonia. Topic: Eat First: Italian American Gastronomy and Family Values in the Films of Martin Scorsese. Several films by Italian American director, Martin Scorsese, are explored through the lens of gastronomy and the role of his mother in those films to highlight family and identity values.

Sponsored by Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University. Frank Melville Memorial Library, Room E4340. 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook, NY. Admission: free; open to the public. Contact:  Jo Fusco  631-632-7444. [email protected]

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