Week of the Italian Language: La Scuola d’Italia in New York Presents “I Ribelli”

Dec 07, 2020 650

BY: Emmelina De Feo

Thursday evening, La Scuola d’Italia, hosted a webinar for the occasion of La Settimana della Lingua Italiana (Week of the Italian Language in the World), presenting a video made by their fifth grade students, which had as its core theme the subject of the Italian language. The video, entitled I Ribelli, was planned by Massimo Zoran, the school’s theater teacher.

Dr. Maria Palandra, Ph.D., La Scuola d’Italia’s Head of School, in extending her gratitude towards Consul General Genuardi, the parents, and the children in attendance, addressed the audience and guests, stating that the program is usually presented at the Italian Institute of Culture in New York, but unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, had to be held virtually this year.

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SOURCE: https://www.lavocedinewyork.com

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