A guide to find a taste of Italy in Napa Valley

Sep 30, 2015 854

by Valentina Zannoni

The old world boasts some of the most famous and prolific wine regions spreading from the world renowned Champagne in France to the equally famous Chianti in Tuscany. It is however no surprise that the so called new world has caught onto wine making, with flare and inventiveness, producing a variety of exciting tipples from Argentina and Chile and New Zealand.

Of these "new world" wine making regions the most famous (and glamorous) is Napa Valley, located in a stretch of land north of San Pablo Bay in California. In a wine-making region, whose physical look is so similar to Tuscany (just much bigger-this is America after all), Swide has searched for places to find a hint of Italy in Napa for your next trip (New Year's perhaps?).

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Source: http://www.swide.com/

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