Peter Jordano shares history of Jordano's foodservice at Montecito Rotary club lunch

Aug 25, 2023 424

BY: Bonnie Carroll

One day before the opening of the Italian Sons and Daughters of America National Conference Peter Jordano, CEO of Jordano’s Foodservice Division and a member of a proud Italian American family who opened their local Santa Barbara business 108 years ago, was the special guest speaker at the Montecito Rotary Club luncheon meeting at the Music Academy in Santa Barbara and was accompanied by his wife Gerd Jordano.

Following a delicious lunch by Chef Dario Furlati, Ca Dario Ristorante Montecito, guests were seated in the meeting room where a display of historic Jordano photos and a Jordano truck replica was on display. Montecito Rotary Club President Tony Morris opened the meeting with member introductions, pledge of allegiance and Rotary report. 

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