Regional wines: Piemonte Wine Tasting, February 10

Feb 06, 2016 754

Wednesday, February 10, 2016. 6 to 8 PM. Italian Cultural Institute - 1023 Hilgard Avenue - LA 90024. Fees: $45 ($40 for IIC & NASA members). To register please call 310-824-7408. or email to [email protected] Led by Diego Meraviglia, Gold-Pin Pro Sommelier, Master Taster, North American Sommelier Association VP & Director Of Education

The Northern Italian region of PIEMONTE is widely considered by the wine community as one of the most prominent, unique and significant wine regions of the world. The region has a 3000-year history rooted in ancient Celtic heritage, is surrounded by breathtaking mountains and dotted with remote towns as unreachable and untouchable as they are seductive. Piemonte continues to inspire and seduce both the wine world and the culinary world, maintaining its position as Italy's number one wine region for vineyard plantings and production of high quality wines. Join us for a swift overview of the main wines and styles that characterize this cult status wine region.

Source: IIC Los Angeles

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