Spigariello, a leafy edible with the taste of Italy

Aug 02, 2013 922

By Jeff Spurrier

For Craig Ruggless of Winnetka Farms, one of the most prized plants this season is spigariello, a leafy cool-season green that tastes like broccoli and keeps growing after you've harvested it. Spigariello resembles broccoli rabe (aka rapini) in appearance but has white flowers and a sweeter, slightly peppery taste.

Ruggless is a third-generation Italian American, and Winnetka Farms, the half-acre homestead he and partner Gary Jackemuk have developed in the San Fernando Valley to promote homegrown cooking and backyard gardening as means to self sufficiency, could be straight out of Naples.

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Source: http://www.latimes.com

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