As donating for a charitable cause is becoming increasingly popular within the wine sector, Vinitaly International is getting ready to celebrate with the American Cancer Society a seven year collaboration which has seen top Italian wineries contribute to the fight against cancer through the donation of an impressive number of labels on the occasion of the annual Taste of Hope fundraising event in New York.
Whether it's a raffle, a dinner or an auction, there seems to be a definite trend for wineries to make donations often based on very personal reasons or beliefs. Donating wine for a good cause, especially when health related, can also serve to emphasize the importance of drinking responsibly as well as living a healthy life.
Vinitaly International Academy is the provider of highly-specialized education and trainin...
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One evening during this spring’s Vinitaly fair in Verona, I met avant-garde Mount Etna win...
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In occasione della conferenza stampa di apertura della prima tappa di Vinitaly Internation...
After an intense week of lectures and tastings as well as a final examination in New York ...
Città: VeronaPaese: ITALIAPeriodo di svolgimento: 04/04/2013 - 10/04/2013Partners: Fiera V...
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