In the heart of Manhattan, a culinary event is set to unfold at Lucciola Restaurant on February 5th at 7pm. Under the guidance of Chef Michele Casadei Massari and his business partner Alberto Ghezzi, both from Bologna, Lucciola is hosting an exclusive fundraising dinner, aiming to contribute significantly to the preservation of one of Italy’s historical treasures, the Garisenda Tower in Bologna.
Recently brought into the spotlight by the American press for its concerning structural challenges, the Garisenda Tower, a symbol of Italy’s rich architectural heritage, faces the threat of instability. Stepping up as the custodians of Italian heritage and cuisine, Lucciola’s team has taken it upon themselves to lead the conservation efforts.
By Kimberly Sutton Love is what brought Tony Nicoletta to Texas from New York.The transpl...
Little Italy San Jose will be hosting a single elimination Cannoli tournament to coincide...
Please join Mia Maria Order Sons of Italy in America Lodge #2813 as we host the 2015...
The Wine Consortium of Romagna, together with Consulate General of Italy in Boston, the Ho...
Hey, come over here, kid, learn something. ... You see, you start out with a little bit of...
Award-winning author and Brooklynite Paul Moses is back with a historic yet dazzling sto...
There's something to be said for having your food prepared tableside. Guacamole tastes fre...
For the first time ever, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, in collaboration with the O...