Where In Bensonhurst To Take Out-Of-Towners To Eat

Dec 11, 2016 359

by Hannah Frishberg

It's the holidays, your sister's getting married, that college roommate finally came and visited you...whatever the reason, you have family or friends here, and they ain't from here, and you wanna show em' what Brooklyn's all about – from a taste bud's perspective. So, where do you take them? Here are our humble recommendations.

For An un-fuhgeddaboudit experience. They want old-school, Italian Brooklyn? It's hard to beat L&B Spumoni Gardens, both for their nationally-acclaimed pizza and the decades-old, family-run restaurant with a casual outdoor space as well as indoor seating for the colder months.

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Source: http://www.bensonhurstbean.com/

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