BY: European Studies
Futurism was a multidisciplinary artistic and social movement. Futurists wanted to reinvent all art forms: painting, sculpture, literature, photography, architecture, book production, dance, even cuisine… Futurist ideals were very radical, both artistically and politically.
Italian futurists, led by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, had a huge impact on the avant-garde of the twentieth century and gave popularity to art manifestos. Of the many futurist manifestos, the 11 March 1913 one titled L’arte dei rumori. Manifesto futurista (The Art of Noises. Futurist Manifesto), by Luigi Russolo, had a very long-lasting influence.
SOURCE: https://goodmenproject.com
Two pairs of XX appear on the poster: the first pair falls into the background in black co...
Futurism began as a literary movement, established by poet and propagandist, Filippo Tomas...
Futurismo is an Italian avant-garde artistic movement that can be considered as influentia...
Italian Futurism was an immensely popular art movement. It represented the unstoppable for...