The Bridge of Sighs: The Complete Guide

Apr 14, 2021 447


With over 400 bridges crossing the canals of Venice, you'd have to be a local to visit them all. But if you're looking for the best ones to see on your next trip, then the Bridge of Sighs surely makes the list. Called the Ponte dei Sospiri by locals, this iconic landmark was built in the year 1600 and connects the Doge's Palace to the historic prison across the canal.

Even though it has a dark history used to transport prisoners, today it's easily considered one of the most romantic places in Venice, which is no small feat in a city as idyllic as La Serenissima. It's tradition to kiss your loved one on a gondola ride while passing under the Bridge of Sighs; just don't expect it to be an intimate moment since most tourists have the same idea.

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