Buon Onomastico, The Italian Name Day

Jun 02, 2018 1760

BY: Danielle Selvaggio

Besides their birthday, many Italians also celebrate their onomastico. This term, which in English translates to “name-day,” derives from the Greek verb onomázein - chiamare per nome (to call by name). The onomastico has a strong religious background and is a common observance in many Catholic countries.

Simply put, it refers to celebrating a person’s name coinciding with the saint honored on a particular day. Usually, an Italian Catholic Calendar of Saints will feature the name of a religious figure throughout the entire year. In the past, many parents would name their newborn after the saint that appeared on the calendar on that exact day. For instance, if a baby boy were to be born on September 19, the day of San Gennaro (San Januarius), he will be named Gennaro. 

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SOURCE: https://www.lagazzettaitaliana.com/

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