The case for Mario Draghi as the next European Council president

May 01, 2024 936

BY: Mario De Pizzo

The European Union (EU) is at a crossroads: It must choose either to enact significant reforms or accept its impending decline. One of the few leaders willing to make much-needed reforms is Mario Draghi, the former president of the European Central Bank (ECB) and former prime minister of Italy.

As ECB president from 2011-2019, Draghi is widely credited with having deftly handled the European debt crisis and preserving the euro. Having saved Europe once before, he could be the one to help Europe face today’s geopolitical crises. It starts with Draghi’s forthcoming report on EU competitiveness, at the request of U President Ursula von der Leyen, to be published after the June 6-9 elections for the European Parliament. 

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