Dolce and Gabbana are rich, extravagant and politically incorrect - you got a problem with that?

May 27, 2018 1045

BY: Robin Givham

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana unspool politically incorrect opinions with little more than a shrug. They evoke rage and fury on social media. Then they douse the flames with some of the most breathtaking fashion imaginable.

At a time when fast and disposable has become the norm, these designers have opted to go ever more luxurious with fashion meticulously made by hand. And when they brought their glamorous ode to the American Dream to this melting-pot city, it was a version accessible to about one percent of the one-percenters. In other words, they are the perfect designers for this cultural moment, with all of its fractured politics and infuriating contradictions. Go ahead. Tsk-tsk them. They don't really care.

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