Collaboration between Emilia Romagna and California is being strengthened, which as of today has one more tool thanks to a memorandum of understanding, signed by the presidency of the Emilia Romagna region Stefano Bonaccini and the U.S. governor, Gavin Newsom, to jointly address the challenge of climate change and identify common actions on the level of sustainability and ecological transition.
Starting with the transition to clean energy in transportation and industry, agriculture 4.0, and combating climate phenomena, such as droughts and extreme weather, that the two territories share.
The qualifying points of the agreement, signed in Bologna, concern environmental sustainability and policies for the decarbonization of industrial processes in Emilia Romagna and California, territories characterized by climatic conditions such as drought periods, extreme weather events and at the forefront of actions against the climate emergency.
Both regional and state governments set a goal of carbon neutrality - by 2050 in Emilia Romagna and by 2045 in California - and a shift to 100 percent renewable energy. Also shared was the need for mutually supportive actions to adapt more rapidly to climate impacts and emergencies.
The collaborative actions identified in the three-year agreement cover precision agriculture, sustainable water management, biodiversity protection, and air quality strategies and actions. Then renewable energy, including photovoltaics and wind, clean and renewable hydrogen, energy efficiency and decarbonization of buildings and transportation, including zero-emission vehicles and charging and refueling infrastructure.
Collaborations with universities and other public and private academic institutions, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and local, state, or national government institutions may also be initiated to help achieve the goals of the agreement.
The cooperation between the Emilia Romagna Region and the State of California dates back to 2015 and mainly touches on two areas: Silicon Valley and high technology with the internationalization program towards the U.S. market for start-ups and innovative regional companies, and combating climate change, starting with the document signed by the two governments on the eve of the 21st edition of Cop21 in Paris. Commitment renewed today with agreement to exchange knowledge, experience and best practices in the areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Then, since 2023, Emilia Romagna and California have been part of the international network on the Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership (Mcap), which brings together states and regions facing common climate challenges to implement sustainability and climate resilience actions.
During the Region's missions to the West Coast, meetings were held on climate, cybersecurity issues, then World Italian Cuisine Week, and focuses on innovation and agriculture.
SOURCE: https://www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/
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