Rivivere l'eruzione del Vesuvio in 3D. Grazie a una tecnica innovativa il Museo Archeologico Virtuale (MAV) di Ercolano propone una nuova istallazione per calarsi nelle bellezze degli scavi con un "effetto partecipativo". Una full immersion nel passato attraverso un'esperienza multisensoriale a 360 gradi.
Un filmato proiettato in una sala circolare pone lo spettatore al centro della scena ripresa da 14 telecamere in alta definizione.
Archaeologists have unearthed 'Nativity-like scene statues' in the ancient ruins of the Ro...
Pompeii, a Roman city destroyed by nature more than 1,900 years ago, was preserved in a vo...
Archaeologists have uncovered a 'street of balconies' during excavations at a previously u...
An ornate house – containing a fresco featuring a huge phallus – that was owned by two fre...
This new landmark three-part series follows the most extensive archaeological excavation i...
Tickets are now on sale to the general public for "Pompeii: The Exhibition," opening Feb....
The House of Menander is one of the most spectacular of all of the many historical treasur...
One of the most famous Ancient Roman cities, Pompeii has become synonymous with history, a...