Foreign Minister Alfano pledges “team play among businesses and embassies to promote Made in Italy”

Jan 31, 2017 1027

BY: Carmine Fotina and Giorgio Santilli

“Italian companies have won 756 contracts in 90 countries in two years. According to Prometeia, they have generated value added for €16.4 billion, or 1.1% of annual GDP and tax revenues for €6.7 billion, creating 234,000 jobs,” Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said, as he commented the results of diplomatic activity in support of Italian made products.

“For the first time the Foreign Ministry has prepared with a research company an analysis of the value of the impact of the diplomatic network in the internationalization of Italian companies,” said Alfano before leaving the United Arab Emirates, where he met with 150 Italian economic operators. The minister said the report, which covers 2014 and 2015, confirms “the dynamism of the role of business diplomacy, today more important than ever in responding to protectionist trends.”

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