GPI status for Venice's lace and glass: the end line is in sight!

Oct 17, 2023 450

BY: Giulia Franceschini

Murano glass and Burano lace truly stood the test of time. Originating from – and deeply connected to – the very heart of La Serenissima, these traditional crafts are not just a source of local pride but also a significant part of Italy’s cultural heritage. Now, finally, they are on the cusp of receiving a new layer of protection and recognition through the Indicazione Geografica Protetta (IGP) status, or Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) in English. 

If you have been to Venice, you’re likely familiar with the crafts protagonists of this article. In Buranolace-making is a centuries-old tradition that has its roots in the 16th century. 

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