Thanks to the determination and enthusiasm of nineteen of the most important Italian wineries, the "Institute of Fine Italian Wines – Premium Brands" has become a master in commercialising while promoting the culture of Italian high quality wine all over the world.
Italian wine is globally considered a synonymous for quality and style, and this Institute is gathering the most prestigious and innovative wineries of Italian ancient wine-making tradition. Indeed, beyond sponsoring the peculiarities of their region, all families and brands represented by the Institute guarantee very high standards in terms of products as well as brand image at both national and international levels.
Fonte: This is Italy
The Wine Consortium of Romagna, together with Consulate General of Italy in Boston, the Ho...
Wine has a long, rich history as a cooking liquid. One of the early "cookbooks," compiled...
Il mondo di Luciano Pavarotti e la sua grande carriera di cantante lirico rivivranno il 23...
Saturday September 19, 11 AM/5 PM - Raffaldini Vineyards & Winery - 450 Groc...
Saturday, August 1 - 12.30 EDT / Valenzano Winery - 1090 Route 206, Shamong, New...
The President of the Italian Wine & Food Institute cordially invite you to celebrate:...
Italy delivered the first shocking confirmation of locally transmitted coronavirus infecti...
When life gave them lemons, the Pallini family didn't make lemonade — they made limoncello...