Italian curiosities: why do we burn the “ceppo di Natale”?

Dec 24, 2022 592

In the English-speaking world, it is known as Yule Log, in Italy, we know it as il ceppo di Natale.  It is so popular that it even made it into our translation of Harry Potter and it has inspired one of France’s most popular Christmas desserts. Many Italians believe that il ceppo di Natale is a British tradition, perhaps because of our national habit to attribute to others what is, in part, also ours.

 Yes, because the tradition of burning a large log in the days leading to Christmas was a very common occurrence in the Belpaese of our grandparents and great-grandparents, in times when every home was warmed during the harsh winter months by the cozy, consoling heat of fireplaces.

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