Italy celebrating the 50th anniversary of the launch of its first satellite

Dec 30, 2014 640

by Claudia Astarita

In December 1964, first Italian satellite San Marco-1 was launched from the Nasa base in Wallops Island, in Virginia, on the east coast of the United States. This achievement made Italy the third country – after the Soviet Union and the US – to send a satellite into the space.

The 1970s were a period of economic expansion that fostered a spatial boom too. Luigi Broglio, an academic of the University La Sapienza in Rome, suggested the building of an International Space Station (ISS) on the equator, on platforms anchored in the Indian Ocean. He was a superb scientist who also invented a special satellite with a scale inside, named after him. This innovative tool was able to measure the conditions of high atmosphere around the equator, never explored until that moment. 

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Fonte: This is Italy


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