The Hand of God by award-winning Italian film director Paolo Sorrentino has been shortlisted for an Oscar nomination, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced on Tuesday night. The coming-of-age film, whose original Italian title is È stata la mano di Dio, is listed among 15 hopefuls vying for a nomination in the academy's best international movie category.
It will be known on 8 February if Sorrentino's film will be nominated for an Oscar, and whether the 51-year-old Neapolitan director has a chance of bringing home a second Academy Award on 27 March, eight years after the one he received for The Great Beauty. The news comes a week after the new movie was nominated in the 'Best Film - Foreign Language' category of the Golden Globes whose awards ceremony in Los Angeles is scheduled on 9 January.
by Matthew Breen Fashion fans will be in for a treat this fall when the Fine Arts Museums...
In September of 2002, some of Los Angeles' most prominent Italian American citizens got to...
Little Italy San Jose will be hosting a single elimination Cannoli tournament to coincide...
Candice Guardino is adding to her list of successful theatrical productions with the debut...
We are very excited to announce that on Saturday, August 11, The San Francisco Italian Ath...
AGENDA 12.00 – 12.15 Light lunch12.15 – 12.30Welcome addresses Lorenzo Mannelli, MD, PhD...
**The ceremony will be held in Little Italy SJ at W. Julian and North Almaden (Next to Pae...
Dear Friends, New York Italians in collaboration with Fordham University, Department...