Josh and Franco: a great podcast about a story of a father and a son from Puglia

Jun 01, 2021 719

BY: Joshua Prezioso

It is on air the first podcast episode of 'This is What a Generation Sounds Like' - a series by the The European Podcast, Are We Europe, and Allianz Kulturstiftung. A list of well-selected stories from the outskirts of Europe, narrated from the perspective of young European citizens.

The first commissioned story is proudly Italian and specifically from the tiny village of Ostuni, Puglia. It is titled 'Josh and Franco' and tells the story of a father and a son, who are both homosexuals. The story covers over 50 years of Southern Italian history, providing interesting generational transitions in terms of society, civil rights, perception, and action. Despite the tangible challenges, both protagonists maintain a surprising tone of complicity, esteem, maturity, and forgiveness.

A cathartic and peculiar story of a less known Italy that is inspiring other Europeans.

The podcast is co-produced by Giosuè Prezioso and Katz Laszlo. Hosts, Giosuè and Francesco Prezioso.

Here a link to the podcast.

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