The last maestros of Venetian velvets

Jul 13, 2022 459

BY: Mariella radaelli

For decades Tessitura Luigi Bevilacqua has collaborated with iconic fashion designers, such as Valentino, Dior and Dolce & Gabbana. A venerable Venetian institution, the small family-run business inspired interior designers and decorators, including legendary Iris Apfel, who had furnished her New York apartment with Bevilacqua’s tiger- and-leopard-cut velvets.  

But not only that name is behind some of the world’s finest haute couture: it is at the roots of the European style. Bevilacqua’s looms made luxury history through exquisite fabrics that highly dramatized the striking silhouette of the wealthier aristocratic women. Also, popes and kings would demonstrate their status through Bevilacqua’s outer layers. 

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