Liguria Travel Dispatch

May 18, 2021 419

BY: Carlo Conti

It's a sunny February day in Liguria, the region along the Mediterranean between Tuscany and France. Its midpoint is Genoa, the capital city – the section that runs west from there to France is known as the Riveria Ponente, while the part that runs east to Tuscany is known as the Riveria Levante. 

Liguria is a spectacular place, known for great eats and incredible landscapes. Along the promenade between the bays of Paraggi and Portofino, located on the Levante, jackets come off, followed by sweaters, resulting in a thinly sparsed crowd of T-shirt wearers. In Paraggi some decided to sprawl out on the beach –  it's the off-season so there are no umbrellas, noise, or gatherings – to work on their tan. 

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