The many faces of Italy in 2023

Jan 11, 2023 580

BY: Francesca Bezzone

This is the time of the year when we tend to make a balance of our life and of the experiences we’ve enjoyed – or not – in the twelve months about to end. The Fondazione Migrantes, a pastoral organization coordinated by the Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI, the Italian Episcopal Conference) and founded in 1987, did just that in relation to the migration status of the country. Needless to say, it uncovered interesting information.

The Fondazione Migrantes was created by CEI to provide insights into the lives and needs of migrants in Italy, but also of Italian living abroad. While its operational context remains clearly connected with the Roman Catholic Church, the fondazione also funds relevant research in the field of immigration and emigration in the Belpaese. It wants to “follow and care for foreign and Italian migrants while promoting tolerance and support, so they can be welcomed all within the community.”

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