Mario Draghi faces the end after Italy’s coalition refuses to back him

Jul 21, 2022 524

BY: Hannah Roberts

Mario Draghi is facing the end of his premiership, after he failed to win enough support from right-wing parties in his coalition to carry on leading Italy’s government. In a speech on Wednesday, Draghi indicated he was willing to stay on as prime minister if his feuding coalition partners could guarantee “sincere and concrete support” for him to continue.

But although he won a confidence vote in parliament on Wednesday evening, it was without the backing of key parties in the power-sharing administration. As things stand, there seems to be nowhere left for Draghi to go, apart from to hand in his resignation. He is due to speak in Italy’s lower house of parliament on Thursday before heading to see Italy’s President, Sergio Mattarella. Draghi will formally announce his decision to resign on Thursday morning.

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