Netflix and the Italian Film Commissions launch an emergency Covid-19 fund

Apr 10, 2020 521

A Support Fund for TV and Film during the COVID-19 Crisis, aimed at providing urgent, short-term support to workers and crews in the Italian audiovisual industry who are directly affected by the nationwide shutdown of production due to Coronavirus, has been announced by the online streaming and entertainment giant Netflix and the Italian Film Commissions, an association which unites the 19 film commissions dotted throughout Italy.

Endowed with one million euros coming courtesy of Netflix, the fund will be managed by the Italian Film Commissions. “At this particular point in time, which is demanding special efforts from all of us, the Italian film commissions, with their dynamism and widespread presence, and Netflix will direct this aid towards those professionals most affected by the shutdown of operations”, declared Cristina Priarone, CEO of the IFC (Italian Film Commissions), adding that “creating a fund for workforces is a crucial initiative, we hope that other actors in the sector decide to join with us”.

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