A Passion for the Presepio

Dec 20, 2022 382

BY: Stephanie Longo

For Donato Chiusano of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi, creating beautiful presepi (Italian manger scenes) is more than a passion—it is a way to give glory to Christ all year long. I first met Donato last December when I saw one of his beautiful creations on a Facebook group, “Irpinia Terra di Mille Tradizioni.” I was struck by the extreme craftsmanship in his work and how much he enjoyed creating different representations of the birth of Jesus.

I ordered a large presepio for my dining room and a smaller lantern for my mother. Over the past year, I have even purchased a few as gifts for the people most special to me. Every presepio is unique, with a different story to tell. When I asked him how he came to create these miniature worlds, Donato explained that he has loved his craft since childhood. 

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SOURCE: https://irpiniastories.com

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