Perseverance Pays – The Story Of Soccer Player Musa Juwara

Jul 11, 2020 603

Many people know of soccer, or football as it is called in the rest of the world. Many dislike the sport because they just don’t get it and it just doesn’t relate to us in North America. You do have to keep something in mind, though: FIFA is one of the largest sport organizations in the world. Not here, Italy, Russia, or Japan, but in 211 countries under the same banner. That is almost the whole planet, and for us who belong to the world, this sport is everything.

So, it was during this time of research that I came to an interesting player making the news in Italy; his name is Musa Juwara playing in Bologna currently. An 18-year-old Gambian refugee, he’s a forward left-winger in the Bologna FC-1909. Congratulations to him for his achievement in just four years of having landed there through the “backdoor” in the Mediterranean. 

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