Remarks by Ambassador Eisenberg at Independence Day Celebration

Jul 06, 2018 645

Buonasera e benvenuti a Villa Taverna! Vi ringraziamo per essere qui a celebrare con noi il duecentoquarantaduesimo (242) anniversario dell’indipendenza degli Stati Uniti d’America. Oggi ricordiamo l’anniversario della firma della Dichiarazione d’Indipendenza, che ha sancito la libertà come principio fondamentale degli Stati Uniti.

As President Ronald Reagan wrote, “freedom is the most important thing to a true American.” And our freedom can only survive with a strong Democracy and the support of our treasured allies like Italy. It is our shared beliefs in freedom and democracy that make the foundation and the unshakable bond that unites Italy and America. We have a shared history, culture, and values.

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