Retiring in Italy: it may no longer be only a dream

Nov 27, 2018 637


Regardless of their age, Italians have one huge preoccupation these days: retiring. With income taxes among the highest in Europe and pensions often just covering the costs of bare necessities, many citizens of the Bel Paese have been jumping on the private pension schemes’ bandwagon, in an attempt to create a safer future for themselves and their families once the time to finally retire comes.  

However, things may be changing soon, at least if an interesting new proposal ends up being approved by the current Government which, however, has quite a lot on its plate at the moment. That is to say, let’s not hold our breath waiting for a quick approval, because it may take a while. Nevertheless, the news are certainly a welcome change to the usual talks of gloom and struggle we usually associate with the word pensionamento and, what’s even more surprising, it may end up benefiting not only Italians but also people from abroad who have been toying with the idea of retiring under the Mediterranean sun.  

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