Sardegna/ Sardinia

Jul 30, 2019 606

Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean, characterized by a jagged and rocky coastline, interspersed with marvelous beaches of very fine sand. The past fifty years have seen Sardinia become a hotspot for tourism, with the Costa Smeralda (Emerald Coast) in the northern area becoming a favorite retreat of Italian celebrities. There are numerous Bronze Age remains throughout the island, the best known being the Nuraghi – circular (sometimes conical) stone dwellings left by an otherwise unknown people.

The Sardinian coast may be dedicated to tourism, but the interior still belongs to native Sardinians, who still hold onto their customs, food and unique language (Sardinian is a direct descendant of classical Latin, just as Italian is, and is considered a true language and not a dialect). A trip along the shore makes a fantastic getaway, but exploring away from the beaches will give the traveler a glimpse of real Sardinia.

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