Saverio Pastor and the timeless art of Venezia's remèri

Jul 18, 2022 516

BY: Francesca Bezzone

Venezia is a jewel the entire world envies us. And while there may be other cities that live on water, there isn’t a place on Earth quite like her. Venezia doesn’t only strike for her beauty and her history, but also for how strongly she remained connected with her past, a past that is lively, important, and central to the identity itself of the city. 

Some of the most recognizable icons of La Serenissima come from her glorious past, like San Marco’s lion or the masks of her Carnevale. But their presence and their importance in the city’s modern symbolism and, indeed, economy and attractiveness, are testament to the living connection the city has, perhaps more than others, with her heritage. 

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