The 19 funniest expressions in Italian (and how to use them)

Mar 18, 2015 2212

by Richard Bruschi

1. Italians don't "play dumb"... they "do the dead cat" (Fare la gatta morta).

2. Italians aren't "wasted"... they are "drunk as a monkey" (Ubriaco come una scimmia).

3. Italians don't "scold" somebody... they "shave against the growth" (Fare il contropelo).

4. Italians don't "disrespect"... they "treat you with fishes in your face" (Trattare a pesci in faccia).

5. Italians don't "have a bee in one's bonnet"... they "have a fixed nail in one's head" (Avere un chiodo fisso in testa).

6. Italians don't "arouse somebody's doubts"... they "put a flea in the ear" (Mettere la pulce nell'orecchio).

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