According to the latest reports of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, in Italy, 5 innovative startups are launched every single day.
This encouraging development is now confirmed by the report "The Italian Startup Ecosystem", written by Italia Startup and supported by the Ministry of Economic Development and the School of Management Politecnico in Milano.
by Tommaso Ebhardt, Lorenzo Totaro, and Matthew Winkler Italy Inc. is selling som...
Sarà operativo dal prossimo 1° maggio il visto per la categoria "startuppers" dedicato ai...
Start up, crescita, innovazione, exit strategy, strumenti e casi di successo, ruolo di ist...
“People for growth” (“Gente per la Crescita”) e’ l’associazione delle startup italiane pre...
Produrre olio extravergine di oliva a casa, come se si stesse preparando il caffè, non è u...
Italian tech entrepreneurs and all non US startups thinking of coming to New York have a n...
After a year of work, the project has taken shape. Wednesday evening, at the Consulate Gen...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and PNICube, the Italian Ass...