The Journey Begins: How we made up our minds and decided to buy a house in Le Marche

Mar 25, 2016 544

by Gabrielle Shubert 

When I first see the house it is about 7:30 on an August evening– that magical moment just before twilight when the heat finally gives up its grip on the day and the air and sky take on a tiny hint of color, beckoning the sunset. We've driven from Venice– about 5 hours, after flying overnight from New York.

We're tired and we've left our bags at the agriturismo where we've stayed for the last 3 years. But we bought this house in January, sight unseen for me and our daughter Sophie, and we have to see it before the ritual first-night-in-Italy pizza at the only bar/ristorante in our town.

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Fonte: La Voce di New York

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