The Search for our Ancestry (XVIII)

Nov 11, 2015 559

By Angelo Coniglio

Often, I have had more luck finding facts in the Mormon microfilms than I've had by trying to contact Sicilian towns or churches by mail, e-mail, or even by personally visiting the town. But after a trip to Sicily, I learned a lesson about primary records. The names below have been changed, but the story is factual.

I had long searched for the ancestry of a relative, Maria Galbo, born in Belpaese in 1883. The image of her birth record on the Mormon microfilms that I viewed at my local Mormon Family History Center (FHC) showed her father as Ciro Galbo, born in 1855, and her mother as Lena Marino, born in 1861. 

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Source: Magna Grece


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