Tourism: 50% of the Italians are ready to travel by combining vacation and work

Apr 11, 2024 591

Travel intentions for the current year are increasing, with Italy ranking second, after Spain, as the most popular destination for European travelers. More than 90% of Italians plan to take at least one trip this year, the highest figure among the countries surveyed.

The train is the preferred means of transportation for business trips (57%) while for vacation trips the car excels (75%). Interest in combining vacation-work on the same trip is growing: nearly 1 in 2 European travelers are interested in combining vacation and work in the future. The share is even higher for younger generations: 63% among Millennials, over 70% among those belonging to GenZ.

Travelers are interested in all the main modes of mixing work and vacation: as far as the Italian sample is concerned, the preferred modes are in order (23%) Bleisure, i.e., extending work travel with a few days of vacation, (21%) Workation, i.e., working remotely from a vacation spot for a limited period of time, (14%) Digital nomadism (working remotely thanks to technology), and finally (11%) Team bonding, i.e., traveling with one's work group to strengthen cohesion.

Environmental impact is taking an increasingly central role as a factor of choice in means of transportation, in the face of an eco-sustainable travel offer that, however, seems not yet ready to fully meet the needs of travelers. There is also a strong interest in using AI tools especially in the travel planning phase as a source of ideas and guidance for vacation choice. In general, we are observing how Generation Z's intentions constitute an anticipation of future trends, providing valuable indications of how travel will evolve and what the profiles of tomorrow's potential travelers will be.

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