Tourism - Agreement for the promotion of Made in Italy between Città dei Motori and Ferrari Club Italia

Nov 19, 2023 795

"Città dei Motori continues its project to develop motoring tourism by having a new, prestigious partner at its side, the Ferrari Club Italia, one of the associations that best interprets the passion for the world's most famous car brand." These are the words of Luigi Zironi, mayor of Maranello and president of 'Città dei Motori,' the network that currently associates 40 municipalities representing Made in Italy motoring, commenting on the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Ferrari Club Italia.

"We enthusiastically adhere to the initiatives of Città dei Motori," says Ferrai Club Italia President Vincenzo Gibiino, "and intend to develop motoring tourism in all its forms, helping to orienting the offer that Italy can field in this sector as well. The motoring wisdom and Italian design have made history; we must ensure that this scenario is projected into the future. In 2024, together with Motor City and those who share its goals, we aim to offer tourists new opportunities to enjoy the 'beauty' encapsulated in the Made in Italy of motors."

Among the salient objectives of the Protocol: to promote and enhance national and international motoring tourism through sporting and recreational activities; a commitment to raise awareness among institutions and private individuals about the importance of the automotive sector and the motoring movement in general for the country's economy; and to protect the right to sustainable mobility in line with the challenges that await the automotive world in the coming years.

Ferrari Club Italia, a leading association in many Maranello initiatives, had already joined with the 'Historical Re-enactment of the Tour of Lake Bolsena' in the first edition of the Italian Motor Week, a national event organized last September by Città dei Motori, which saw more than 100 thousand attendees and 166 events throughout Italy.

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