Tuscania: Lazio’s lovely lavender gem

Jul 04, 2016 707

Founded by a legendary Trojan prince, occupied since Neolithic times and surrounded by fields of perfumed Lavender, Tuscania is the perfect hilltop spot to escape the summer heat of nearby Rome. Each July the village turns lilac as its annual Lavender Festival brings the countryside into the historic centre. If you've never ventured outside Rome, here's why Lazio's lovely lavender gem needs to be added to your travel wish list.

Driving through the countryside of northern Lazio you'd be forgiven for thinking that you'd accidentally nodded off and woken up in Provence, France. Few expect to see field after field of lavender in central Italy but it's a big deal here. So it's no wonder that the locals want to celebrate their perfumed produce with a festival. But we're getting ahead of ourselves; let's have a look Tuscania's origins first.

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Fonte: L'italo-Americano

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