A week in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy’s mosaic

May 31, 2023 1139

BY: Katryna Snow

Hidden in the far northeastern corner of Italy, the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia has been a crossroads for centuries. Bordered by Austria and Slovenia, the region stretches from the Alps and the Dolomites in the north to the Adriatic sea almost an hour’s drive to the south, where populations from the Romans to the Austro-Hungarians have left their mark on its cultural and artistic heritage.

The result of these diverse terrains and cultural influences is a complex mosaic of opportunities – everything travelers love about Italy in one compact and easy-to-travel region. Come with us as we hit the road in this under-the-radar region for a week of natural beauty, historic sites, and gastronomic delights.

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SOURCE: https://www.lonelyplanet.com

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