Why "Made in Italy" is significant in the beauty industry

Apr 06, 2024 806

BY: Jenna Curcio

Italy is internationally renowned for many things: the delicious food, the beautiful cities and beaches, the vast history, the list goes on. “Made in Italy” has become synonymous with quality in the minds of consumers worldwide for decades, partly due to the reputation it has sustained through establishing itself as a destination for quality manufacturing across all industries.

Recently many US-based beauty brands have shifted at least some of their manufacturing for many of their cosmetic products to Italian labs and cosmetic factories. What is drawing these companies to change the location of their production to Italy specifically? According to Cosmetica Italia, the National Association of Cosmetic Companies, "67 % of the makeup consumed in Europe is produced by Italian companies, globally it reaches 55%." 

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SOURCE: https://beautymatter.com

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